Kids Wishes

10th birthday wishes

10th birthday wishesThese happy birthday sayings can be written in a card or send as sms. You may also write these 10th birthday wishes into a WhatsApp message or send it via Facebook. These sayings will bring a smile to a 10 year old girl or boy. These sayings are short and therefore perfect for a short message. Go to sayings

1I don`t know if you are going tob e a pilot or a doctor but i know that you are a real special boy. You can reach every aim you want. All the best wishes on your 10th birthday.
2I wish you a dog on your 10th birthday. Hopefully our mum and dad have taken this step. Happy birthday.
3The first big round birthday – from today onwards you are double digit- Happy 10th birthday
4Happy birthday you are the prettiest princess in town.
5Happy birthday to the coolest 10 year old boy at school. Have lots of fun.
6On your tenth birthday I wish you fantastic, hug presents and a great day with your friends.
7I am sending you lovly wishes on your 10th birthday. May all your dreams come true.
8You only turn 10 once in your life. – have lots of fun on your special day.
9All the best wishes on your 10 birthday. I wish you all the best. May all your dreams come true and you will have a fantastic year coming up.
10I want to use your 10th birthday to let you know how proud I am to be your mum. Carry on just like that.
11I am sending you all the best wishes and 11 kisses on your 10th. Birthday. Happy birthday.

Please vote for the best 10th birthday wishes


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