Anniversary Wishes

20th Wedding Anniversary Wishes

20th Wedding AnniversaryThe 20th marriage anniversaryis is a good reason to congratulate your friends, work colleagues colleagues, your parents or grandparents or other relatives to this special day. Best wishes are often send asgreeting cards for the anniversary or as text messages send with your mobile phone. Here you can find a coupl e of funny and warm sayings and phrases for the 29th wedding anniversary. Go to sayings

1You have got to argue once you are married. That`s the best way to find things out about each other. Happy 20th wedding anniversary!
2Every day in your marriage you are trying to solve problems which you would not have if you are still single.
3Your wedding was 29 years ago, but your love continues. This is why I send very specail greetings for your wedding anniversary.
4Congratulation for your 20th wedding anniversary. You managed your life together for 20 years and you have had bad and good times but always stuck together. I wish you all the best for the rest of your life full of harmony, love and success.
5Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. Happy 20th marriage anniversary!
6Happy 20th anniversary! It is so nice to meed the one speocial person you want to be bored with for the rest of your life – you two are doing just that together for the last 20 years!
7The marriage is not the entrance to a save harbor, it is the exit to the open sea. All the best for your 20th wedding day.
8Happy 20th anniversary for bith of you! The mystery of a successful marriage is that he is the boss and she lets him believe it.
9Love is one long sweet dream and your dream lasts for 20 years now. Congratulations for this success story!
10A successful married life requires falling in love many times, but always with the same person. Happy 20th anniversary! I gues you have been fallen in love with your partner more than 20 times.
11We wish you all the success and fun of this world. May all your dreams come true within the next 20 years in hermony..

Please vote dor your favourite message and greeting for the 20th wedding anniversary in order to support this toplist of funny and warm wishes.


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