Anniversary Messages

3rd Wedding Anniversary Wishes

3rd wedding anniversary wishesThese wishes and sayings can be used for a nice congratulation and to send a young couple a funny saying. All text and wishes are free of charge for the personal use. These wedding claims are for friends, colleagues, your own kids and for evey loved person in your life. Go to sayings

1It is fantstic to find this really special person you want to tease for the rest of your life. All the best on your 3rd wedding anniversary
2Congratulation to your 3rd wedding anniversary. I wish you lots of love and luck for the next 50 years you spend together
3Gott hat euch zusammengeführt und eine Liebe für das ganze Leben erschaffen. Ich wünsche euch alles Gute zum 3. Hochzeitstag. Möge Gott auch weiterhin sein wachsames Auge auf euch gerichtet halten.
God has brought you together and created a love for the lifetime. I wish you all the best for your 3rd wedding anniversary. May god keep his eyes on you

4Chains can not keep a married couple together but trust, love and partnership can. I wish you lots of success for the years to come and a fantastic 3rd wedding anniversary
5Love is the condition where the happiness of your partner is your own. Congratulation to your 3rd wedding anniversary
6For your 3rd wedding annivesary i wish you another 33 years of being as madly in love as you are now
7In a happy marriage you have got to fall in love again and again – it must always be the person. All the best on your 3rd wedding anniversary
8May all your dreams come true. We wish you all the best on your 3rd wedding anniversary
9The secret of a happy marriage is that he is the boss and she lets him believe just that. All the best on your wedding anniversary.
10One day you wake up, you turn around and think you have married the most wonderful person. I am sure this has happened to you a few times


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Statistics 3rd Wedding Anniversary Wishes

TopicWedding Anniversary
Sub TopicAnniversary Messages
5 of 5

Query Statsitics

Query Date
third anniversary message07.03.2021 21:18:07 
status for third marrige anniversary09.02.2021 17:32:02 
3rd anniversary message qoute01.01.2021 23:45:01 
msg for 3rd marrige anniversarrr03.12.2020 22:44:23 
3rd anniversary msg for husband20.11.2020 00:47:49 
3rd unniversary message01.09.2020 09:02:36 
3th anniversary wishes29.08.2020 23:18:38 
3rd year engagnment anniversary19.08.2020 21:12:12 
3rd engagement anniversary29.07.2020 05:57:27 
3rd marriage anniversary status29.07.2020 05:01:59