Kids Wishes

7th Birthday Wishes

7th Birthday WishesHappy 7th Birthday messages for girls and biys. When you want to send a SMS to congratulate a 7 year old boy or girl on his or her birthday you can use these wordings as a personal and unique text in a birthday card. You can use these funny and child friends wishes for text messages and facebook postings as well. All birthday texts and sayings are free for personal use. Go to sayings

1Happy 7th birthday! May you always be as bright and happy as you are today.
2This is your special day for a very special girl. I hope you get all the gifts you desire!
3I am sending you 7 hugs and a big kiss on your 7th birthday. I am very proud of you!
4Happy 7th birthday! I hope youget many fantastic great gifts and you have a wonderful day!
5 Are you ready to blow all 7 candles? Good luck!
6I think every 7 year old girl should own her own little horse, don't you? We just have to ask mom and dad...
7I am not sure if you are going to be the first female president or the next pop star, but I am sure you are a very special girl and you can archive everything you want. Happy 7th birthday!
8Happy 7th birthday for the most beautiful princess in town! Have fun with your firends on your special day!
9Wishing you an unforgettable Birthday party on your 7th b-day!
10Happy 7th birthday for the coolest boy in town! Have fun with your friends on your b-day!
11I am not sure if you are going to be the next president or an professional football player, but I am sure that you are a very special boy. Happy 7th birthday!

Please vote for our favourite 7th birthday messages.


Also popular:  birthday  wishes  year  girl  message  happy  years  wish  messages  quotes  greetings  card  greeting  kids  sayings  girls  boys  best 

Statistics 7th Birthday Wishes

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Query Date
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