Kids Wishes

9th Birthday Wishes

9th birthday wishesWhen you want to send warm 9th birthday messages to a boy or a girl you may want to have a look at the happy birthday greetings and wishes. There are funny kid friendly birrthday congratulations for your Grandson or Granddaughter, for a friend of your child. You can write these sayings in a text message or leave a personal message in a birthday card. All the 9th birthday sayings are free for personal use. Go to sayings

1On your 9th birthday I'd like to say that you are the best friend I can image. Thanks for being like you are!
2I do not know whether you'll be an astronaut or a professional football player, but I know that you are a very special 9-year-old boy. Congratulations on your birthday!
3Happy 9th birthday! I am sending 9 cuddles, my best wishes and a nice present.
4Congratulations on your 9th birthday. I wish that all your dreams come true and you have a great time in the next year.
5With 9 years every girl should have her own pony, right? Now we have to convince mom and dad about it ...
6Congratulations on the 9th birthday to the president of the year 2040!
7I wish for your 9th birthday all the luck in the world and the most amazing special b-day. Happy Birthday!
8Congratulations on 9th birthday! I wish you many great gifts and a fantastic party with your friends!
9Every nine-year-old boy should have his own dog, right? Now we have to convince Mom and Dad!
10On your 9th birthday, I am sending you a warm greeting and want to tell you that I am incredibly proud of you.

Please vote for your favourite 9th birthday messages.


Also popular:  birthday  year  wishes  happy  girl  years  message  messages  quotes  wish  card  greetings  grandson  sayings  write  greeting  girls  cards  congratulation  congratulations  free  friends  funny 

Statistics 9th Birthday Wishes

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