Christmas Wishes

Christmas Messages for Girlfriend

Christmas Wishes für GirlfriendRomantic and warm christmas text messages for your girlfriend or your wife. These sayings and phrases may be used in a SMS but also on Facebook or Twitter or other websites .All these christmas wishes are vor lovers and loved ones. They are intended to be used on christmas but can be adopted to other special occasions when you want to say to her: I love you. Go to sayings

1What I feel for you is fantastic and i am looking forwar spending christmas with the most beautiful girl on earth.
2I am very happy to be your boyfriend and you are my greatest christmas gift ever.
3You cannot be here right now but you can look forward to a special christmas present waiting for you over here...
4This year you will get a nice christmas gift and my heart on top of it.
5Thank you for loving me - you make my heart happy and I promise I will support oyu know and ever. Merry Christmas!
6Your love arrivedin my heart many years ago but it is still that strong and gets stronger every day. I am wishing you the best christmas ever.
7Today you will make me very happy because we are spending the Christmas days together.
8Soending Christmas with you is the greeatest gift I could imagine. Thank ouy my Dear!
9Knowning I will spend Christmas with you drives me crazy. I am really excited because I love you.
10For christmas I am sending you 10o cuddles and 1000 kiss because I love you more than anything else.

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Statistics Christmas Messages for Girlfriend

Sub TopicChristmas Wishes
4.11 of 5

Query Statsitics

Query Date
merry chrismass sms24.12.2021 21:09:10 
chrismass messages to lover15.12.2021 20:16:58 
chrismass wishes for friends20.12.2020 22:25:14 
happy chrismass to girl friend06.01.2020 18:27:58 
christmas sms for girl friend25.12.2019 04:56:40 
royal christmas messagefyggiygfyfytif22.12.2019 07:12:20 
xmas message for girlfriend24.12.2018 21:11:33 
wishing my girlfriend a romantic happy christmas24.12.2018 17:48:02 
christmas message for fiancee girl24.12.2018 17:41:09 
xmas romantic messages for girlfriend24.12.2018 14:10:27