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Goodbye Messages for Colleague
Funny and inspirational, cute and nice goodbye messages for colleagues leaving the company or your department. You may use these goodbye sayings and wishes for cards or for sms text messages. If all colleague want to send a goodbye greeting cards everybody can sign and you can write these personal words into the card. All the texts are free for your personal use.
Work & School->Greetings Entered on: 29.09.2013


Christmas Wishes for Employees
If you want to send merry christmas wishes for employees you may want to look at these sayingsand phrases which are suitable for christmas cards, text messages, emails and letters send to a company in order to send warm wishes to the management and the employees. All these tests are free for your own christmas wishes.
Christmas->Christmas Wishes Entered on: 04.12.2013

Business New Year Wishes
If you want to send happy new year wishes to business contacts like suppliers, spread and sales people or to other corporate contacts you may want to have a look at the new year wishes. They are formal and useful in business contacts. You may use them for letters, emails or cards.
Events->New Year Entered on: 08.12.2013

New year wishes for Employees
You can send happy new year wishes to your employees, coworks and stuff with an email, a card or letter. Here you will find some wordings and texts that are well suited for those New Year's wishes to employees. There are mainly warm greetings and wishes it, but also one or the other funny saying. All New Year wishes are free for personal use.
Events->New Year Entered on: 23.12.2013

Good Luck for New Job Messages
You can use this sayings to wish friends and colleagues lots of luck at their new job. They can be send as a sms text message, or by facebook or as an email. All sayings and text are free of charge. Nowadays WhatsApp is used quite often by smartphone owners. You may use these wishes using WhatsApp as well.
Work & School->Wishes Entered on: 12.01.2014

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