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3rd Birthday Wishes
Funny and sweet 3rd birthday wishes for boys and girls. If you want to send happy birthday greetings to a 3 year old kid you may use these texts for birthday cards or text messages. All these wordings are child friendly and can be used free of charge. They are suitable as 3rd birthday congratulations for you gandchild, for your nephew or niece or your godchild. All these messages and texts are free for you personal birthday sayings and phrases to kids.
Birthday->Children Wishes Entered on: 02.09.2013


Newborn Baby Wishes
When a new baby is born you may want to send a nice congratulation message in a card or a SMS. Here are some wordings for such congratulations. All these texts are free for personal use for friends, work colleagues or relaitves with a newborn baby.
Kids->Babies Entered on: 27.09.2013

Gift Ideas for 5 year old boys
What can you get a five year old boy for his birthday or for Christmas? Here you can find some ideas which makes it a little easier for the godfathers, grandma and grandpa or even the parents. You will find some small presents as well as some bigger once. A present does not have to be expensive all the time. Sometimes a little trip to a nice place is just the perfect present.
Kids->Gifts for Kids Entered on: 23.12.2013

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little09.03.2025 11:39:14