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50th Birthday Wishes
Funny sayings and sweet congratulations for the 50th birthday of friends, relatives and work cooleagues. You may use these congratulation texts for 50th birthday cards and for SMS text messages. Some of these wishes make you think, some make you laugh. All these texts are free for personal use. You can use them to send 50th birthday wishes to your father or mother, brother or sister are other nice people getting 50 years old.
Birthday->Wishes Entered on: 31.08.2013


Christmas Wishes for Kids
When you want to send a christmas card to a boy or a girl you may need some special christmas wishes for your personal message inside the cards. Here are some christmas sayings for kids. There are funny short sayings and warm wishes. you may use them in a text message or a facebook message, too. All these christmas greetings are free for personal use.
Christmas->Christmas Wishes Entered on: 14.12.2013

Good Luck for New Job Messages
You can use this sayings to wish friends and colleagues lots of luck at their new job. They can be send as a sms text message, or by facebook or as an email. All sayings and text are free of charge. Nowadays WhatsApp is used quite often by smartphone owners. You may use these wishes using WhatsApp as well.
Work & School->Wishes Entered on: 12.01.2014

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