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50th Birthday Wishes
Funny sayings and sweet congratulations for the 50th birthday of friends, relatives and work cooleagues. You may use these congratulation texts for 50th birthday cards and for SMS text messages. Some of these wishes make you think, some make you laugh. All these texts are free for personal use. You can use them to send 50th birthday wishes to your father or mother, brother or sister are other nice people getting 50 years old.
Birthday->Wishes Entered on: 31.08.2013


Ruby Anniversary Wishes
If you want to send congratulations on the ruby marriage anniversary of friends or relatives, you may want to use these phrases, wishes and sayings for the 40th wedding anniversary. You can write the wisdoms and texts into a anniversary greeting card or in a text message. All these funny wishes and warm congratulations are free for personal use.
Wedding Anniversary->Anniversary Wishes Entered on: 02.09.2013

30th Wedding Anniversary Wishes
Funny messages and warm wishes for the 30th wedding anniversary. these sayings and phrases are suitable for anniversary cards and text messages which are send on the 30th anniversary of a married couple. All these wishes are free for personal use and can be written in greeting cards and SMS send with your phone.
Wedding Anniversary->Anniversary Wishes Entered on: 02.09.2013

20th Wedding Anniversary Wishes
The 20th marriage anniversaryis is a good reason to congratulate your friends, work colleagues colleagues, your parents or grandparents or other relatives to this special day. Best wishes are often send asgreeting cards for the anniversary or as text messages send with your mobile phone. Here you can find a coupl e of funny and warm sayings and phrases for the 29th wedding anniversary.
Wedding Anniversary->Anniversary Wishes Entered on: 04.09.2013

13th Birthday Wishes
Happy and funny 13th birthday text messages for SMS and cards. Wordings for letters, birthday cards and other happy birthday greetings for 13 year old boys and girls. Here are a couple of wordings for relatives, friends, schoolmates and other nice people celebrating their 13th birthday.
Birthday->Teenager Wishes Entered on: 09.09.2013

Diamond Anniversary Wishes
If you want to send some wishes for the 60th wedding anniversary then you may use these wordings and wishes for anniversary cards. The 60th anniversary is also called the diamond wedding anniversary and is for a married couple a great occasion. Here are some sweet and warm wishes, some funny sayings ans phrases for the diamond anniversary.
Wedding Anniversary->Anniversary Wishes Entered on: 21.09.2013

Silver Anniversary Wishes
Funny messages and warm wishes for the 25th wedding anniversary which is also called the silver anniversary. Here are a couple of texts which are suitable for silver wedding greeting cards or for text messages. All these templates and phrases are free for personal use. You can send them to colleagues, relatives or friends being married for 25 years.
Wedding Anniversary->Silver Anniversary Entered on: 27.09.2013

Pearl Wedding Anniversary Wishes
The 30th wedding aninversary is also called the pearl wedding anniversary. Here are a couple of nice wishes and messages which are suitable for this special occasion. There are funny sayings and warm congratulations for friends, colleagues or relatives being married for 30 years. All these wordings and texts are free for personal use. You may write them into a greeting card or use them for wordings in text messages.
Wedding Anniversary->Anniversary Wishes Entered on: 27.09.2013

3rd Birthday Gifts
What can you get a boy or a girl for their 3rd birthday? Here you can find some real nice ideas which the little once will love. These ideas are for aunts and uncles, godfathers, grandma and granddad and even for the parents. Some presents are more for girls some more for boys.
Kids->Gifts for Kids Entered on: 13.11.2013

Printable 40th Birthday Card Templates
Happy 40th birthday card templates for friends and relatives and other nice people getting 40 years old. There are colorful and cure cards. You can download the word templates and modify the colors, pictures and texts. Then you can print the cards using your own printer. All the cards are free for personal use.
Birthday->Cards Entered on: 18.11.2013

70th Birthday Wishes
These Happy 70th birthday wishes can be used for the classic birthday card or be send as a sms text messages. These sayings are for grandma and granddad, friends or other relatives. All text and sayings are free of charge. You may send them to grandparents, to your father oder aunt, uncle or other older people getting 70 years old.
Birthday->Senior Wishes Entered on: 16.12.2013

New Year Messages for best friend
Funny New Year's Eve Sayings and warm New Year wishes for your best friend. These text are suitable to be sent via WhatsApp, Facebook, SMS or a traditional way with a greeting card A best friend is one of the most important people in life. Thiis is why you should send a nice new year greeting to her or him.
Events->New Year Entered on: 28.12.2013

New Year Wishes for Friends
Lovely and funny New Year Greetings for friends and other loved ones. You may usethese short texts and wishes with your mobile phone or as a personal greeting in a greeting card. you may send the new year wishes via Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp or other websites, but also via SMS. There are some funny New Year quotes and sayings here, but mostly warm and sweet wishes.
Events->New Year Entered on: 28.12.2013

10th Wedding Anniversary Wishes
Best wishes for the rose wedding day for a greeting card or even an sms. If a married couple has managed the first 10 years it is certainly time for a nice wish. These wishes can be used by work colleagues, friends or family. The 10th wedding anniversary is a special for most couples. Sending a Facebook or WhatsApp message, are greeting cards or at least an email is a good idea.
Wedding Anniversary->Anniversary Messages Entered on: 12.01.2014

55th Birthday Wishes
Birthday wishes for the 55th birthday and sms text for the parents, colleagues, brother or sister and friends. You can find some funny claims as well as warm hearted sayings. All sayings are free of charge.
Nice and warm 55th Birthday messages and some funny sayings suitable for WhatsApp and Facebook. You may also use these short texts to send congratulations using a text emssage or a birthday cards. These wishes are suitable for friends and colleagues, for a man and a woman.
Birthday->Senior Wishes Entered on: 12.01.2014

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