New Year

New Year Wishes for Friends

New Year Wishes for FriendsLovely and funny New Year Greetings for friends and other loved ones. You may usethese short texts and wishes with your mobile phone or as a personal greeting in a greeting card. you may send the new year wishes via Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp or other websites, but also via SMS. There are some funny New Year quotes and sayings here, but mostly warm and sweet wishes. Go to sayings

1Look back to the old year and think of the successes and the fun we had. Then you set new goals for the upcoming year! I wish you lots of success archieving these goals in the new year!
2We wish you a Happy New Year full of surprises, adventures and fantastic experiences.
3From all my heart I am wishes a Happy new year and a successful start to the new year.
4Happy new year! Have you done all the good intentions for the new year which are thrown away on 2nd of January?
5May your days be painted in gold. May your life be filled with diamonds. May the stars shine bright on your world. Happy New Year!
6I want to tell you that you're the best friend you could ask for. Happy New Year!
7Wishing a happy, successful, awesome, lovable, remarkable, funky, ultra cool, funny and vibrant new year!
8The new year offers new challenges and new opportunities. I wish you a fantastic new year!
9For the new year I wish you all the luck in the world and much success in business and in love!
10I wish you all a Happy New Year and New Year for a clear head with no hangover! Celebrate wild and boisterously!

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Also popular:  year  wishes  friends  happy  wish  messages  message  funny  greetings  friend  quotes  years  short  best  phone  sayings  mobile  facebook  wishing 

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30001.01.2017 02:02:04 
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