New Year

New Year Messages for best friend

Happy New Year for Best FriendFunny New Year's Eve Sayings and warm New Year wishes for your best friend. These text are suitable to be sent via WhatsApp, Facebook, SMS or a traditional way with a greeting card A best friend is one of the most important people in life. Thiis is why you should send a nice new year greeting to her or him. Go to sayings

1A new year is like a blank book. The pen is in your hands. It is your chance to write a beautiful story for yourself.
2I hope you celebrate wild and boisterous! Happy new year! Behave yourself!
3A new year is a new opportunity for us to do everything right. Well, we can at least try.
4I wish that you will meet your prince charming in the new year and he picks you up on his white horse and rides her together in the sunrise. Happy New Year!
5Without you everything is only half as good and celebrating a new year party without is quite boring. Wishing you from afar a Happy New Year!
6I wish you a happy and a successful start in the new year. I love you!
7I am sending you a sweet cuddle for every day of the new year. Happy new year!
8Happy new year! If you do not reach your good resolutions for the new year, I lend you my shoulder to cry on, ok?
9The old year is over and we can look back on our successes and set new goals for the coming year. Let us reach these goals together!
10I would like to say that you're the best friend that one can imagine and I want to have you next to next years New Year Eve. Happy new year!

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