Anniversary Wishes

Ruby Anniversary Wishes

Ruby AnniversaryIf you want to send congratulations on the ruby marriage anniversary of friends or relatives, you may want to use these phrases, wishes and sayings for the 40th wedding anniversary. You can write the wisdoms and texts into a anniversary greeting card or in a text message. All these funny wishes and warm congratulations are free for personal use. Go to sayings

1An anniversary is a time to celebrate the joys of today, the memories of yesterday, and the hopes of tomorrow. Happy Ruby Wedding!
2The secret of a successful marriage will remain a secret - or did you find it after 40 years?
3Marriage means commitment. Of course, so does insanity. Happy 40th anniversary!
4Happy Ruby Wedding!. You managed your life together for 40 years and you have had bad and good times but always stuck together. I wish you all the best for the rest of your life.
5After 40 successful years I can say: You are like salt and a paper cut, two things that aren’t supposed to be together but end up that way anyways!
6It is so nice to find this special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life. I wish you all the love for your ruby wedding anniversary.
7We wish you all the best for your Ruby Wedding anniversary. May all your wishes and dreams come true in the next couple of years.
8All the best wishes for your ruby marriage anniversary. We hope you will have another 40 years in harmony.
9For your Ruby Wedding anniversary we are sending 40 cuddles and 40 kisses and all the best wishes we can find.
10If you could go back in time and wouldn’t change marrying your partner for anything in the world, then you know, that you've done the right thing 40 years ago!
11For you 40th Wedding i wish you a great anniversary party with all your family members and that you are able to spend the rest of your life in such harmony.

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