Texts regarding Wedding Anniversary

Ruby Anniversary Wishes
Ruby Wedding AnniversaryThe ruby wedding anniversary ist the 40th year of marriage. When a couple is married for 40 years you should definitely send them a sweet wish in form of a cards or text message. Here are some sayings and phrases for the ruby wedding anniversary which are suitable for parents, grandparents, friends and other nice people.
Wedding Anniversary Datum: 02.09.2013

30th Wedding Anniversary Wishes
30th Wedding Anniversary WishesWordings for 30th wedding anniversary cards and wishes for text messages for this special marriage anniversary. When a man and a woman stay together for 30 years and master good times and bad times you should send them sweet congratulations or at least a funny phrase to let them know that you are proud of them. Here are wordings for 30th marriage anniversary cards.
Wedding Anniversary Datum: 02.09.2013

20th Wedding Anniversary Wishes
20th AnniversaryWhen a couple is married for 20 years you should send some greetings and wishes to them. You can send a text message with your cell phone or do it the classic way and send a greeting card. In both cases you need wordings for the personal text you write into the card or message. Here are some funny and sweet 20th wedding anniversary sayings and phrases for this purpose.
Wedding Anniversary Datum: 04.09.2013

Diamond Anniversary Wishes
Diamins Anniversary  WishesThe 60th wedding anniversary is also called the Diamond Wedding. Here are some wishes and greetings for this special occasion. If your grandparents are married for 60 years you should send a nice greeting cards with personal messages and wishes. Here are some wordings for such cards.
Wedding Anniversary Datum: 21.09.2013

Silver Anniversary Wishes
Silver Anniversary MessagesIf you want to congratulate for the silver wedding anniversary you need some wordings and texts for cards. Here are some phrases and sayings for the silver wedding anniversary of a friend, a work colleague, your brother or sister or other relatives and other nice people being married for 25 years.
Wedding Anniversary Datum: 27.09.2013

Pearl Wedding Anniversary Wishes
Pearl AnniversaryIf you want to send congratulations on the pearl wedding anniversary of friends or relatives you may have a look at these sayings, phrases and wishes. There are funny messages and warm congratulations for couple being married for 30 years.
Wedding Anniversary Datum: 27.09.2013

1st Anniversary Wishes
Frist AnniversaryThe first wedding anniversary is somewhat special because it is the first of the kind. Here are some phrases and sayings, congratulations and wishes for the 1st wedding anniverary. You can write these texts into congratulations cards and text messages. All wishes are free of charge for personal use.
Wedding Anniversary Datum: 13.10.2013

3rd Wedding Anniversary Wishes
3rd anniversary wishesWhen you want to send congratulations for the 3rd wedding anniversary for friends or other young couples you may want to have a look at the happy wishes and text messages. All these short phrases and sayings are free for personal use. You can use them for SMS messages and for greeting cards on the 3rd wedding anniversary.
Wedding Anniversary Datum: 13.11.2013

10th Wedding Anniversary Wishes
Messages 10th wedding anniversaryThe 10th wedding anniversary is also known as the rose wedding day. Here are some messages and phrases, sayings and wordings for congratulation cards to friends and relatives who are married for 10 years. This is the first big round anniversary and you should send some warm greetings to the couple.
Wedding Anniversary Datum: 12.01.2014


Similar queries:  anniversary  wedding  grandparents  wishes  card  write  message  messages  marriage  parents  quotes  happy  wish  sayings  years  year  grandfather 

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